How to Graduate with a First-class Degree in Nigeria - SchoolzUpdate - All Educational Info

How to Graduate with a First-class Degree in Nigeria

 Every student at Nigerian universities wishes to graduate with a first-class degree. Within and outside of Nigeria, there are numerous prospects for first-class graduates. A first-class degree is still valuable today since it gives you an advantage in the employment market. This article will provide you with information on how to obtain a first-class degree in Nigeria.

Graduate with first-class

What is the Best Way to Get a First-Class Degree?

The following is a step-by-step strategy to earning your school's highest degree honor:

Attend all Lectures

The secret to finishing with the first grade is to attend classes at all times.

You will learn about the lecturer's method and examination questions during class.

Every lecture has a unique method and set of instructional goals. You will discover the finest approach for answering their questions in the exam during courses.

Do not fall into the trap of joining the horde of pupils who skip classes.

Read and Learn Everyday

The undeniable fact to graduating with honors is to read and study day after day.

You must read and study every day in order to achieve good grades in school. I mean, no matter how hectic your schedule is, you must make time to open your books and read.

Students make the mistake of waiting for the exam schedule before beginning to read. This method will not allow you to graduate with a first class.

Stay Focused on Getting a Top Grade

Students who earn a first-class honours degree are more likely to work hard throughout the year rather than just getting a few bare-minimum passes.

To regularly earn top grades at university, you'll need to plan ahead, be organized, and constantly attempt to complete your work far ahead of the deadline. You'll also need to work on increasing your productivity.

Take Notes in Class

If you really want to graduate with a first class, taking notes during lectures is an essential tactic.

Top-performing students in Nigerian colleges need to be able to take notes.

Copying notes in class will assist you in obtaining the information you require for your exam.

Many professors, as you may be aware, distribute their test questions during class. The questions in the exam will be known thanks to your note.

Having a note will also relieve the stress of having to study the entire textbook for the course. You won't have to memorize stuff that won't be used in the exam. Your notes are easier to comprehend than the lecturer's soft or hard copy materials.

Do Your Coursework

If you want to get a first-class grade in Nigeria, you must complete school tasks.

Many professors send their test questions as homework. Many students, on the other hand, make the error of failing to take notice of assignment questions. When they see the assignment questions in the exam, this group of students gets the shock of their lives.

In addition, many instructors in Nigeria assign grades on assignments. As a result, doing it can get you up to ten (10) points. This free mark will assist you in getting an A in the course.

Understand Your Lecture Materials

It is critical that you comprehend the lecture content in order to receive an A in your classes.

It necessitates that you read and comprehend your lecturers' soft and hard copy notes. Reading is required, but comprehending the materials is the most important aspect.

Do not be one of those students that reads their course materials as if they were a novel. With this method, you'd miss out on crucial information.

Students who wait until the night before an exam to study do not receive a first-class diploma.

Attend Tutorials

Many students find that attending tutorials might assist them in passing a course.

The reality is that some students struggle to comprehend concepts in class or during independent study. To achieve decent results, these pupils would need to attend tutorials.

At this juncture, I should clarify that attending a campus lesson is not required. Only choose this option if it is advantageous to you.

Ascertain that the lesson will assist you in receiving a decent mark and will not be a waste of time and effort.

Get Ready for Your Exam

To graduate with a first class, you must have adequate preparation. Attending lectures, reading, and obtaining the necessary resources are all part of the exam preparation process.

Your exam preparation should begin on the first day of class.

Never wait a few days after your exam to start going to night classes and other activities.

Limit Your Time on Social Media

Minimizing your time spent on social networking apps will allow you to devote more time to your studies.

In Nigeria, pupils are heavily influenced by social media. It is the reason why many students struggle to concentrate during class.

You must find strategies to minimize the diversions of social media applications in order to graduate with honors.


First-class degree is inarguably the best honor someone can get in the university. Due to the importance of this degree, a lot of undergraduates really want to finish on this mark. This write-up is very informative and we believe it will give you an edge to graduate top of your class! 

Moreover, you can as well read on how to graduate with a second-class upper (2:1) degree in any university in Nigeria.

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