How to Start a JAMB and WAEC Examinations Tutorial Classes in Nigeria - SchoolzUpdate - All Educational Info

How to Start a JAMB and WAEC Examinations Tutorial Classes in Nigeria

 There is a high interest for instructive education and this has been one of the major reason why tutorial class is fast rising in Nigeria. Since there are some important qualification examinations like WAEC, JAMB, NECO, GCE, and others, a whole lot of these understudies and guardians need achievement in these tests they intend on writing. All of these has made setting up a tutorial class a rewarding business. If you are interested in starting the business anywhere in the country, then this article will give you more details on how to get started.

Setting up a public instructional exercise like the JAMB and WAEC tutorial class is very important not just for the starter. It assumes a significant part to assist the students with preparing them for the tests and guarantee that these understudies pass at a high pass rate with no issue of rewriting again. A lot of students who are candidates for these examinations always get joined up with these training classes so as to prepare them for the tests and eventually get them the admission to their aspiring higher institutions. On the off chance that you are an accomplished mentor/teacher and have an enthusiasm for ingraining required qualities in intending university students and candidates, at that point you as of now have a crucial quality expected to acquire a great deal particularly in the enormous towns and urban areas all over Nigeria. 

In Nigeria, there are different examination bodies burdened with the obligation to test and screen candidates' capacity to be enrolled in a university, college or polytechnic in the country. Among them is the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) which is the most prominent one for the tutorial class. Furthermore the West African Examination Council (WAEC) with her related body, the National Examination Council (NECO) are also the examinations body to prepare for their tests.

In the course of this write-up, we will give more consideration on how to set up instructional exercise classes like JAMB and WAEC tutorial class in Nigeria. These are classes fully intent on prepping and getting ready the candidates for various tests and examinations.

Guides on How to Start an Examinations Tutorial Classes in Nigeria

Here is the rundown of the most effective way to start a JAMB, NECO, WAEC and GCE tutorial class in the country: 

Business Plan/Feasibility Study 

Since starting a tutorial class is something that will generate income, then you should do it in a business way. One of the initial things to do is to make a good planning of the tutorial class business. This should go by making a few inquiries; and getting to the individuals who are now in the business and meet them for some guides. 

Thusly, in your feasibility study and business plan: the age group of the students that will attend the classes should be considered. Likewise, discover areas where the business will probably have more inundation of students and examination candidates. 

Areas of Specification: Examinations and Subjects to be Covered 

Prior to beginning a tutorial examination class, you need to have disciplines that you will cover in the lessons. Though you may threat all the examination subjects, but it's best of stick to what you are best at regarding the matters that will be educated to the students. Discover the exams that needs tutoring and are in most interest among the students, yet there is not really any guide available for it. The most ideal alternative is to do a smidgen of survey to discover what the exams and subjects are popular in your area. You can also ask the candidates and students around.

Also note that higher your instructive capability, the higher the level you will actually want to tutor, and furthermore the more measure of cash you can charge from the candidates.

Location of the Tutorial Class 

Typically, most tutorial classes are held in schools and private houses. It's important to settle on where to locate your tutoring business – in your home, school or a rented place. Get a decent, openly open area. This could be a school environment, home, popular transport stops, or any other place that will attract students. Ensure that the class is situated in any focal spot ideally a decent intricate around the town or remote part. 

The justification in choosing a popular tutorial class location is that students from all edges of the town can arrive at the place effectively by various methods for transportation available. This will by and large help the growth of your business.

Housing and Proper Infrastructure 

The tutorial center be well equipped with good educational equipment. It should have a comfortable class rooms for teaching. You should also provide study materials like books and textnooks. The rooms in which the teaching will be given should be good enough and conducive. 

Get Necessary Approval 

Contingent upon the place you are housing your tutorial class, get necessary license and approval from the property owners, government or the concerned body. On the off chance that you will utilize a school premises it is critical to get permission from the concerned establishments where you need to situate your business. 

Educational Resources 

You can't just start a tutorial class with only pen and papers. You need to get hold of the right educational materials, test papers, alongside different materials such course books, study guides, exercise/address notes, writing board, number crunchers, papers, and pens. Similarly, if you are capable, you can get hold of fixed assets like computer systems, generator, furniture, etc for your tutorial class. 

Recruit Competent Staff 

Skilled staff is one of the essential things that you need to consider for the effective working of your tutorial class. A competent tutor is somebody who is knowledgeable in the subjects and furthermore meet the prerequisites of the students. Personal characteristics like great cooperation, tolerance, excitement, modesty and poise, dependability, and availability are also what will make him or her a good one. 

Promotion: Get Your Tutorial Class Known 

After you are done with the above processes, the next thing is to drive students and candidates into your tutorial class. One of the best way to do this is by publicising your services in places where parents or clients – secondary school students at school doors and look for school managers coordinated efforts. Consequently, the promotion process of the tutorial class should be eye-appealing and capable of attracting people into your business.


That's the size of this article on how to start a tutorial class in Nigeria. In addition, you can as well view the best JAMB tutorial classes in the country. So far we have highlighted the processes involved to open a training center for examinations like WAEC, JAMB, NECO GCE and others like foreign ones. We believe you are now acquainted with what it takes to start a remunerative business in tutoring examination candidates.

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