How to Graduate with a Second-class Upper (2:1) Degree in Nigeria - SchoolzUpdate - All Educational Info

How to Graduate with a Second-class Upper (2:1) Degree in Nigeria

 Having a good grade after graduation is the most important thing that identifies your prospects and opportunities after school. On the long term, if you would want to make most from your university degree, then you must aim at finishing with at least a Second-class Upper degree or a First-class if you're very good. In Nigeria, this issue has been overemphasized due to the increasing number of graduates which causes unemployment in the country. You can as well read on the degree courses to easily get job after school in Nigeria. If you want to be on the safe side, then prioritize finishing with a good CGPA like 2:1. This article gives detailed guide on how to actualize that.  

Graduate with second-class upper

Graduating with an inferior degree should be avoided in the course of your college years. On the long run after graduation, this will diminish your employment chances and you will then think about how you should have get the best CGPA. Typically, an iota out of every university student graduates with a first-class degree. The safe line is crossed after the second-class upper (2:1) graduates who are also considered for employments. Some endeavor or strive to get the upper below average grade which is a base evaluation and a passage to probably the best job positions and graduate works. If you won't want to fall into the category of graduates that finish below 2:1 CGPA, then consider this write-up as important. We will encapsulate all what you practice in order to finish with a second-class upper or first-class degree from Nigerian Universities.

Guides on How to Graduate with a Second-class Upper Degree from Nigerian Universities

If you would want to graduate with a good grade and open your chances of employment, then consider reading the below guide to the last punctuation mark. Below is the rundown of what's involved in attaining a 2:1 degree in the country's universities: 

Attend all Classes 

Obviously, the major reason for coming to the university is to be taught and subsequently offered the degree for the program. If you aren't going to classes then you're limiting your chances in the school. If you would want to make a second-class upper or first-class degree, ensure not to miss classes, even the exhausting ones. Stop from any way of lethargy that would influence your concentration in class. If you are very intrigue to socials, you can limit them and face your studies first. This does not rule out the fact that you will still have time for them. You should learn to prioritize your priorities!

Read Intensively and Extensively

Reading is the key to your success in the university. Inasmuch as there should be a boundary limit of what you are reading, then you shouldn't be over-excessive on studying. In Nigerian universities, it's advisable to read smart – which means you shouldn't go beyond what your course content covers. Though reading beyond may help you on the long run, but in order to pass your exams well you should read intensively what your lecturers taught you. This will help you to excell in the examinations. After the exams, you can then practice extensive reading on holidays.

Read Ahead of the Lecturer 

On the off chance that you need to graduate with a good degree in the University, ensure you be ahead of your lecturers. Get the course outline, and read widely on the thing you will do, before your lecturer even come for lectures. In the event that you can get the previous previous lesson notes or textbooks, utilize it to. Try not to go into any class, without having the basic knowledge on what you be taught. Of you don't follow these guides, definitely you will be lost in the wild, discouraged and graduate with a poor grade. 

Pass Your Tests/Exams with Excellent Grades

Most universities in Nigeria gives continuous assessment 30% and examination 70% of the total grading. The former includes the tests and the later is the examination which is the most important. If you would want to get distinction in your examinations in Nigerian universities, then you will have to work hard. You should be able to score above the half mark in the test, then you will hope to get more than 50% in the exam. This should be able to secure you an 'A' in your course grade.

Study Past Questions Before Examinations 

It's advisable to study past questions, especially one that relates very well to your course contents. Continuously get the materials, study them very well and try to see how you can score high in the virtual test. 

Never go into any examination hall without having a basic idea of the past questions, because it isn't about the redundancy of questions. However, it gives you thoughts on how the questions are set. Ensure you attempt all the questions given in the examination and hope its not out of the box.

Be Determined And Stay Focused Consistently 

Accomplishing a good degree like the second-class upper will require you to invest in your limitless amounts of energy in making your good grades come to the real world. Throughout the duration of your study years, you ought to be consistent and focused on making the best everytime. Note that your final CGPA is a cumulation of all your Grade Points obtained every semesters. In order to stay within the safe line, always read ahead and don't simply depend on classes lectures only. You ought to also read on recommended textbooks for all your courses. Make a point to deal with every single given task and try not to be apathetic. 

Final Thoughts 

That's the view of what Nigerian students should do in order for them to make a good grade on graduation. Though this article was mainly on how to finish with a second-class upper and first-class degree, you can as well utilize it if you want to augment from your current grading.

The facts in this write-up was featured dependent on my research, insights, observation and experience as a student in Nigerian University. On the whole, if you apply all of them in the right way, it will generally transform you to become a first-class or second-class upper graduate.

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