Beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic: How Nigerian Universities Can Evolve to the Future - SchoolzUpdate - All Educational Info

Beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic: How Nigerian Universities Can Evolve to the Future

 The Nigerian educational system has been adversely affected by the surface of the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to this unlooked-for appearance, many schools has been affected in one way and the other. This has made this article necessary in order to look at the post-covid-19 era and what's there for higher institutions in the country. This write-up will take a gander at beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Nigerian Universities of the Future: Challenges and Prospects. Read this piece to the last punctuation mark as we explicate more.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching effects on the educational activities of almost all universities and tertiary schools in Nigeria. The epidemic has affected these university's: educational system, programmes, health care systems, and also other consequential areas. If we look at the aftereffect of the event, we can have something to relate on the future. In analysing the overarching Covid-19 situation, Arundhati Roy (2020) opined that ‘historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew.’ He also stressed that the pandemic, act as a portal and a gateway between one world and the next. What's next? what to expect beyond this session is certainly what to consider at the present time. This write-up will analyse the post-COVID-19 situation in the University; the challenges/prospects; and as well how the institution can move forward with respect to this.

Challenges Posed by the Pandemic 

Obviously, the primary objective of the generality of Nigerian Universities and other higher institutions is to provide sound education for it students at all levels. This had been greatly affected by the Covid-19 lockdown, urging the institution to suspend it academic and non-academic activities. The discontinuous process has been a challenge to the smooth running of academic activities in the institution, which is consequent to adversely affect the students.

Just as universities wouldn't afford to be obstructed again by another closure due to circumstances like this, they will now have a challenge to improve and rejuvenate it physical framework like class/lecture rooms, learning, ICT, and health and other significant facilities. By the virtue of augmenting these facilities, it will greatly help the school in the post-Covid-19 era.

Prospects of the Covid-19 Pandemic

On the other hand, looking at prospects of the Covid-19 pandemic, it's crystal clear that it has effected some changes which means something big in the future. Just as education is considered as a key area where drastic growth and development is required, various future prospects have been considered and policies are drafted by the some Universities to ensure that education and learning will still be at the peak. This is a response to the effects of the pandemic. 

Though the unlooked-for appearance of the Covid-19 pandemic has crippled a lot of universities of it primary objectives, but nevertheless, it has open ways for the revitalization of the institution. In the wake of closure of the university and the halting of academic activities, there has been remarkable innovation in response to support learning and teaching. These responses incorporate online learning which is seen as the possible solution.

Another aspect of post-Covid-19 pandemic on giving opportunity for the future is an epidemic of action. This connotes a modern introduction to educational learning which demonstrates how higher institutions and it lecturers can transfer their work from classrooms and lecture halls to digital platforms for ease and efficiency. The possible innovation is a future transition that actualises online learning and shows how it can be adopted to the university educational system. This will create an influx of various kinds of mediums such as online classes, free webinars and documents to include lessons in the university. This being the case, online learning will promote digital learning and shows how it can be used as a direct alternative to eventual situations like the Covid-19 pandemic.

Schooling in Covid-19 

There is no doubt that education has been one of the most affected system by the presence of covid-19 epidemic. The appearance of the surge has made institutions in the country to pause their academic activities and imagine on ways to response the situation. Obviously, the most clear development for conquering the risks of actual closeness lies in ICT. Myself, I have experienced this situation which has ought downloaded recordings, recorded at home smaller than usual talks, nonconcurrent discussions by email with students, declarations on institutional learning management systems. Also, simultaneous talks to proceed with the education of the understudies has been an effective way to allay the case. Those with more prominent eagerness for e-learning and e-educating might be utilizing a heap of different applications to convey, interface, and invigorate understudy learning. Henceforth, efforts has been made and prolific reason to abdicate the effect of the scenario right now. 

The Likely Schooling Future?

The accomplishment of ICT organized learning is apparent to certain guardians who see that their kids have been productively occupied with broad and quick learning without the interruption of cohorts, the mediation of educators, or the disturbance of ringers. Such guardians, after the pandemic, considering the accomplishment of their understudies gaining from home by ICT, will address get back to class, much as Illich (1971) needed. In reality, the limit of these innovations to connect the holes between testing, educating, educational plan, and learning will uphold contentions that learning is better with actual distance and ICT than with human educators in homerooms. With this thinking, the contention turns out to be evident that social orders should accept this development of de-educated organization learning. This is also one of the solution to the short presence of the covid-19 pandemic.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, the Covid-19 pandemic has brought a virtue and shortcoming effect to all universities and tertiary institutions in Nigeria. The elementary institutions like the primary and secondary schools were also affected in the same way. Inasmuch as these institutions would not afford yet another akin scene, it's ideal to consider both the pros and cons of it in other to get prepared when similar situation arise. And as such, there was a need to come up with an article of this kind. That's the size of this.

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