The Top Career Opportunities Available in Nigeria - SchoolzUpdate - All Educational Info

The Top Career Opportunities Available in Nigeria

 Many a times, a good number of people do settle in for a career without knowing what it entails with respect to job opportunities. In this kind of situation, the students are mostly affected, being that they are ones to select a career to opt for. Going to the wrong career will certainly lead to an undesirable aftermath effect. In order to avoid this kind of scenario in your career journey, it is of your best interest to read this article to the last punctuation mark. This write-up will highlight the top career opportunities that are available for students in Nigeria.  

Career opportunities are career options available to choose from in settling for a career. This includes the types of career – accounting, engineering, medical, legal, education, IT and security careers. From the different career options that are available, there are some important things involved in choosing the right career. This is explicated in one of our note on how to achieve the right career, and from that you will be acquainted with what it takes to choose from this rundown of career opportunities.

Rundown of Career Opportunities in Nigeria

There are many career options available – from the skilled careers which involved craft, apprenticeship and learning, to the professional careers which requires formal education obtained in schools. Hence, the grouping of career opportunities can be into professional and skilled careers.

The detailed list of the career opportunities available in Nigeria includes the following:

Professional Careers

This includes careers that are obtained by having formal education. It involves professional careers which requires obtaining educational degree in professional courses like engineering and medical courses. Professional careers includes these careers:

  • Educational/Teaching: Educational career connotes being doing school teaching. These teachers are tasked with the role of preparing their students with the knowledge that which will in return see them through into adulthood. On the upper hand of the teaching profession, senior education teachers are tasked to prepare college and university students for future careers. They are also on a role to teach a new skill in any discipline. Though a career in education may be somewhat challenging, yet it is especially rewarding.
  • Health/Medical: This career is occupied by healthcare and medical professionals. Their work are in hospitals, doctor and dentist offices, outpatient care facilities, and private practices. On the whole, Health and Medical is one of courses to easily get a job after school. This has made the program to be most sought for university admission.
  • Engineering: Engineering is the application of science and mathematics in creating technology. Engineering professionals or engineers focus on a specific specialization, such as mechanical, civil, aerospace, or electrical engineering. Obtaining an engineering degree in a specialty area like mechanical engineering may qualify them for a career in a related field like aerospace, mechatronics, metallurgical, etc. It is important and certain that an engineering degree will require a heavy dose of math and science courses, irrespective of whatever your area of focus is on.
  • IT careers: Having a career in computer science, information systems, engineering, or a related field in computing sufficiently prepares graduates to a wide job opportunities.
  • Legal Profession: Legal career is a profession in which legal professionals study, develop and apply law. For anyone intending to be a legal practitioner, the person must meet the requirement which is to first obtain a law degree, and subsequently some other form of legal education in the law school.

That's it on the professional careers! These careers are inarguably the best for anyone or student will to make the best in life. Let's take a peek at the other classification of career.

Skilled Careers

On the other hand, skilled careers is another category of career opportunities available in the country. This includes jobs that involves mastery of skills rather than formal education in schools. The rundown of skilled careers in Nigeria include the following:

  • Sales/Marketing: This involves being equipped with what it takes to start a sales and marketing business. This business mostly don't necessarily require having a formal education.
  • Computer jobs: It involves learning and mastering the computing skills which can enable you to set up your own computer store or cyber cafe.
  • Mechanic (Auto-mechanic): The roadside mechanics can explain it all for this career. Mechanic career involves learning skills on repairing motorcycles, cars, machines and getting to the industrial aspect. It also includes welding which is very popular nowadays in the country.
  • Tailoring: Tailoring work involves having skills on sewing and fashion designing.
  • Online jobs: This includes internet and online works like Programming, Writing, Blogging, Digital marketing and many others.

The list is more elaborate than this, but we choose to highlight these top ones so as to give you the best options.

Finding Career Opportunities 

It's essential to perceive opportunities when they introduce themselves. So how could it be conceivable to recognize a genuine opportunity? Addressing these basic inquiries can help: Looking at your work passions, did you actually have a work or a task that you truly cherished? What were the things about that work that you were energetic about? A profession opportunity will be lined up with somebody's work interests. What tasks are you perfect in? On the off chance that a work includes the sort of work that somebody is acceptable at doing, their possibility of accomplishment will be a lot higher. Looking at the profession goals, does tolerating this work draw or position you nearer to where you need to be in the long run? 

Moreover, a lot of people feel secured in their present positions and career opportunity. Yet, the truth of the matter is that on the off chance that they have the correct tools, there are career openings for what it's worth.


To wrap up this piece, for anyone interested in a good career opportunity(s), we have written this article so that it can help you. It's pertinent that having a good career will determine whether you will be afluent or not. With this being said, it is important to take note of the career option that you choose. This article is helpful on this issue, as we delineate on the top career opportunities available in Nigeria. We believe this will help you in settling for the right career.

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