Intra-University Transfer: How to Change Department/Program in Nigerian Universities - SchoolzUpdate - All Educational Info

Intra-University Transfer: How to Change Department/Program in Nigerian Universities

 At a point in your initial schooling year, you accepted your university admission. This was followed by preparing and gathering your bags and off you went to make the most of your new educational opportunity. However, following half a month of studying, you arrive at the stunning turn back – meaning you don't care much about your course. After all the fervor of beginning the university has faded away, you might want to switch your current course. Before you start to freeze, here's our guide on how to switch your current course of study to another one in the same school. On the off chance that you want to go to another university, you can try the inter-university transfer.

Considerations Before Doing Intra-University Transfer 

First before anything, there are some important things to consider before carrying out a change of department in your school. When realizing that this process is the best thing for you, remember that there are a few pragmatic viewpoints you need to consider before you focus on switching college courses. 

Initially, ask yourself 'why' you need to change to this course. Be sure and affirmative about your thinking – there's no assurance you will appreciate this new course in a way that is better than the firs. Also, there is a number of times and cash in danger in the event that you settle on some unacceptable choice of course. Then again, in case you're not 100% sure that the university is ideal for you, going to another can also be entertained. And bouncing straight into another course is likely the most obvious amazing thing you can do. In case you're changing course to get onto a more better one, we would rather not be the ones to advise you, yet this presumably won't work. Go for what's on your mind because universities are very much aware of students pressuring this, and will, without a doubt, reject your application straight away. 

Also, know that in the event that you don't meet the fundamental program prerequisites for the course you need to change to, sadly, it's far-fetched that you won't get approved. This means that the course will not admit you. 

Thirdly, there is no assurance you'll have the option to move courses in the year you needed – especially in the event that you present your application after the deadline time. This is particularly obvious in top courses in reputable universities where spaces might be scant. 

Reasons Behind Wanting to Change Your University Course 

There are a few reasons why doing Intra-University Transfer may be the situation. Leaving your course is a critical choice to make and may not generally be simple. Here are the few things: 

Your current course isn't favourable?

It's very well may be that you actually love the course, but however you are not liking the course insight. Maybe you not liking a specific module, or you feel that the lecturers don't help you as much as you trusted they would, or that the course conveyance could be additionally animating. 

You're struggling to conform to university life 

It very well may be that you don't really detest your course however aren't appreciating different perspectives on your university life. Things like convenience; social life and so on are affecting on your perspectives on the course. Numerous understudies think they disdain their course and need to change universities yet in all actuality, are simply attempting to adapt to university life or simply feeling somewhat pining to go home. 

Your Career Prospects have changed 

Also, another reason is that you may have chosen to do the course when you weren't certain about how you needed to manage your life. Yet now you have a more clear thought of what profession would make you upbeat and this course doesn't uphold your new career decision.

Requirements and Cost of Intra-University Transfer in Nigeria

Basically, there are some things which student ought to meet before transferring to another course or department. Here are the important prerequisites:

  • At first, you the student must meet the academic grade requirements. In Nigerian universities, for a student to switch from one department to another, he/she must have the minimum GPA of 1.00 (some university may be higher). In any case, each Department will determine the minimum cut off GPA for admitting students into the Department, through Change of Degree Programme.
  • Another thing is to pay the required fee and have the Payment Invoice. With it, the candidate is requested to pay Five thousand naira (N5,000.00) application processing fee. This slip may subsequently be needed.

After all is done, the university's Admissions Office will confirm the students’ eligibility for the new Departments and process the applications of the students listed in the payment schedule.

How to Do Intra-University Transfer in Nigerian Universities 

At the point where you’ve just started your course, and realize it now time to switch your current course. Here, you may be able to change without too many issues provided you have your application done and submitted before the deadline.

The following guide is applicable if you want to change your department in your university first year (i.e. 100L). Just follow these steps:

  1. Decide what course you’re changing to and why: It is advisable to first consult your personal academic advisor before starting anything yet. This implies you to speak to your personal tutor or program leader, and talk to them about your decision to switch course. By the virtue of going, they will provide you with information on how to carry out the process. Also, do this at your earliest opportunity in time before deadline elapses.
  2. Contact your school's student affairs office: Every university’s administration system works slightly differently from others. This being the case, it implies that you will need to find out how your university’s intra-university transfer system works. This is done by seeking the help of your student services office. Certainly, your university's student affairs division will provide assistance on how to do the Intra-University transfer process, direct you to the correct departments or course and also let you know who you need to talk to at University.
  3. Fill the Application Forms: Another important thing is to complete and fill the forms pertaining to switch your course. This form will be available at the student affairs division of your school or some may be accessed online. If you’re unsure where to get the form, always consult your academic advisor or student support office.
  4. Meet the requirements and pay the application fee: Normally, you Intra-University transfer application will be considered by your current department and the department of the course you’re intending to change to. Having meet all the requirements, you will then be admitted into the new program. 

Finally, you will receive a notification once your application has been approved.


That's the size of this write-up, as we have been able to highlight the procedures to change department or program in Nigerian universities. We hope this was informative and helpful in getting you a switch to another course of your wish!

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