The Top 5 Best Secondary Schools in Ikeja, Lagos - SchoolzUpdate - All Educational Info

The Top 5 Best Secondary Schools in Ikeja, Lagos

 The chance of finding an ideal fit secondary school is though these days, especially with these schools turning out to be well-near unnumbered. The best of these schools can be located in the event that you look carefully at the quality and the entire arrangement of schools in question. There are numbers of high schools in Lagos alone. The place records for many of these schools, and the likelihood of seeing the most ideal choice is subject to the features and nature of learning of these institutions. Notwithstanding, you might not have any desire to be overemphasized on this, as this article will research to and outline the top five best secondary schools in Ikeja, Lagos. 

List of Top 5 Best Secondary Schools Located in Ikeja, Lagos

Surely, there are lots of high schools in Nigeria's most commercial city. The following is the overview of the best of these schools in Ikeja. We will likewise be more definite on these schools by featuring some information about them. 

Grange School 

Grange School which was established in 1958 by a gathering of British exiles is apparently the best secondary school in Ikeja. This is a 'private' day school situated at 2 Harold Shodipo Crescent, GRA, Ikeja, Lagos. The School is a private, non-profit institution, with the aim to give training of equal norm to that which is gotten in the United Kingdom. Grange School is one of the British partnered schools in Nigeria, and the organization's Patron is the Deputy British High Commissioner to Nigeria. The school is likewise one of just three in Nigeria to be licensed by the UK's Independent Association of Preparatory Schools. (IAPS). 

On the whole, Grange School is one of the tip top institution in the city of Lagos and in Nigeria. They procure the fourth spot rank in the general best school in the 2017 WAEC results. Grange School offer boarding and day administrations for it great number of students. 

Chrisland High School 

An exceptional and cutting edge high school in the city is Chrisland High School, Ikeja. Similarly as scholastic staff strength and quality is the major deciding element of an educational institution, this school isn't less of it. Chrisland High School has a decent number very much prepared, experienced and qualified teachers, to help the students to encourage a sensation of positive self-esteem quality, and educational greatness. The resultant of their great educational preparing for understudies is evident as their alumni contend broadly and universally with their colleagues internationally. The subjective learning of Chrisland High School is entirely upheld by the first-class innovation, which makes the learning process expedient. 

Moreover, Chrisland Schools is one of the exceptionally appraised secondary school in the country. The school made sure about an Outstanding Rating in the 2017 Whole School Evaluation by the Office of Education Quality Assurance, a division of the Federal Ministry of Education. Interestingly, the school has a rundown of eminent alumnis which incorporate Omotola Jalade, a popular Nollywood entertainer. 

Temple School 

This is another first class auxiliary school in Ikeja city. Temple School is situated at 4-6 Odegbami Street, Off Aba Johnston Street, Adeniyi Jones, Ikeja, Lagos, and the school is a multi-foundation one. The school isn't simply restricted to the secondary school, however they likewise have a grade school which trains students to the upper level. 

Basically, the mission of Temple School is 'to enable the understudies to seek after an enthusiasm for getting information, lead lives of trustworthiness and act naturally roused and socially mindful residents of the world'. The school is exceptional and has plan in all areas which fuses the most recent arranging, design, building guidelines and information innovation. On staff quality, Temple School have qualified and experienced instructors notwithstanding the unique educators they have. The school see as a goal to give teachers that can meet the wide scope of educational and social requirements of a large portion of their classmates. 

Grenville School 

The rundown would most likely not be finished without including Greenville School. This High School is UK partnered foundation of optional learning, and in that capacity, the school follows the British educational plan in their program arrangement. Being more dependent on international lessons, understudies at different areas take assessments in conclusive preparation for both the IGCSE and Cambridge A Level/International Degree Foundation program. Greenville School Therefore draws in understudies from inside Lagos and all through the nation, and it broadly pulls in international students also. The school likewise has a sizable students populace which comes from the GRA region of Lagos as well as to the extent Lekki, and even from outside countries. Greenville school's location is at 18, Ladoke Akintola Street, GRA Ikeja Lagos. 

In any case, Greenville School is one of the preferred high schools in Ikeja and Lagos State altogether. With the quality staff strength and great learning frameworks, the school desire to accomplish its drawn out objective of getting to be one of the top schools in Nigeria. 

Tunwase High School 

Tunwase High School is a co-educational secondary school situated at 22, Akinola Cole CrescentCrescent, off Adeniyi Jones Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos. The school is perhaps the most ideal alternative in making due with an optional school in Ikeja. Tunwase High School is affirmed by the Lagos State Ministry of Education, and it primary targets is to make a really helpful educational network, giving states of dependability and security. With the quality, the school is the desire for students regardless of gender, and foundation to give forward-glancing education in a decent learning environment. 

Tunwase High School is exceptionally outfitted with current learning infrastructures. Not many of these include: a Conducive environment which supports learning, Introductory Technology Workshop, Fine Art Studio, Music Room, Computer Laboratory with Internet offices, Well Equipped Home Economics Laboratory, Well prepared Science lab, Multi-Purpose Hall, and an Air-conditioned buses for conveyance of students.

Wrap Up 

Knowing to the best secondary school is one thing that most guardians and parents wish for their wards at that level. With these schools being practically unnumbered these days, the need for a guide on which is the best is significant. For occupants of Ikeja, we've given the rundown of top and best auxiliary schools in the area. This will help in realizing which secondary school is the best in Ikeja, Lagos, and extensively in Nigeria. Additionally, you can read on the top five core science and arts subjects to offer in secondary school.

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