Top 5 Core Arts Subjects to Offer in Secondary School - SchoolzUpdate - All Educational Info

Top 5 Core Arts Subjects to Offer in Secondary School

 On the off chance that you are contemplating on which art subjects you should offer in your senior secondary school level, then article will be of great help with respect to this issue. Basically, arts is a good discipline which students should opt for. Like a tree, arts is wide in degree. The discipline is viewed as the blend of assorted fields of learning in the human undertaking, for example, literature, geology, history, and so forth. In the course of this write-up, we will take a gander at the top five core art subjects to offer in secondary school in Nigeria.

Albeit in the secondary schools there are very a few contrasts, as what is contemplated are not courses yet rather subjects. Looking at the country's educational system, it has distinguished that the secondary school is planned to keep going for a very long time each both for senior lever students and junior secondary school students. All secondary school offers a high scope of subjects which are educated in the secondary schools in the country. In the Nigerian educational arrangement of learning, there are subjects just as prospectus which are operational or utilized in the educating of the students. Arts subjects are a very intricate part of this senior secondary level subjects. Nonetheless, please note that English Language is compulsory for all art students irrespective of the chosen discipline.

Outline of Top 5 Core Arts Subjects to Offer in Secondary School

Below is the rundown of the top five best arts subjects to offer in the Nigerian secondary school level;


Mathematics is attributed as the the most popular discipline among students, this is one of the most important part of the arts discipline. A lot of individuals feel it right to imagine that math is "the mother of science with all things considered." When focusing on the significance of specific subjects, no one would contend the way that mathematics is one of the essential instructive and logical orders. It's anything but a mishap that students learn the subject alongside English language since their first days at school. From the fundamentals and even to the most muddled, math is very nearly a piece of some other career. With this, it's normal that it's likewise a mainstream arts-related course by many. Numbers and bookkeeping are the ground making conditions and critical thinking conceivable. The consequences of numerical activities matter for both routine undertakings and huge disclosures pushing mankind forward. In this way, the advancement in sciences is straightforwardly and firmly associated with mathematics. That is the reason gifted and talented mathematicians consistently have a work opportunity.  

While learning mathematics as a subject might be troublesome, it additionally gives an astounding possibility of career development later on, for the very explanation that math is required all over the place. 


This is a good subject that is core and very important to all arts students. In the event that you believed literature to be the failed to remember subject, the time has come to realize you weren't right. Large number of students plan for English Literature as a good subject to offer in the senior secondary school level. Young people everywhere on the world need to investigate the universe of abstract arts and science. They feel it important to learn composed writings and to follow propensities for the duration of the time. Literature has consistently mirrored the way of life, religion, social issues, and stresses individuals could have in various chronicled periods. 

Furthermore, literature as a subject, is about emotions, considerations, and thought processes of writers. While treating writing sources cautiously and accurately, students can find past occasions a lot further. Taking into account that, the explanations behind writing ubiquity among understudies become clear. Obviously, literature is an ideal an important arts subject.


Government as a scholarly field of study includes the investigation of political foundations in the state, thoughts, qualities and precepts about legislative issues, the perspective on political masterminds of what established the government assistance of the individuals. Government is also a social subject that is educated in schools and universities. 

Government is likewise a subject, a sociology subject, concentrated in different instructive organizations (essential, optional and tertiary). It is known as Political Science in higher organizations. Government Studies covers a scope of International Relations, Comparative Politics, Public Administration, etc. 


This subject is a social worried about the creation, circulation, and utilization of merchandise and enterprises. ... Extensively, economics can commonly be separated into macroeconomics, which focuses on the conduct of the economy overall, and microeconomics, which centers around distinctive individuals and organizations. Moreso, Economics is the down to earth and hypothetical study of the creation and appropriation of riches. It is based around the arrangement of the creation, purchasing and selling of merchandise and enterprises. ... In spite of the fact that there are different regions of financial matters, the two principle territories of study are microeconomics and macroeconomics. 

So what then are the benefits of offering economics in the senior secondary school level? The investigation of financial matters assists individuals with understanding their general surroundings. It empowers individuals to get individuals, organizations, markets and governments, and accordingly better react to the dangers and openings that arise when things change. 


Commerce as a surge of instruction can be characterized as an investigation of exchange and business exercises, for example, the trading of merchandise and enterprises from maker to conclusive buyer. The primary subjects that are instructed in the Commerce stream in auxiliary school incorporate Economics, Accountancy and Business Studies. Appropriate responsibility, straightforwardness in managing monetary exchanges or income is a critical purpose behind the educating of trade and bookkeeping in secondary schools. Both of these subjects should be finished by the understudies and with the information regarding this matter, a particularly individual can have the option to successfully deal with a business directly since the beginning without severe observing from any individual who fills in as the unrivaled.


That's the size of this write-up. There are good numbers of senior secondary school arts subjects in the Nigerian schools. Sometimes making a decision on the wrong subjects will lead to some future complications later. In order to avoid these issues, we outlined the top five core arts subjects which students can offer in the secondary school level. Additionally, you can read on the top five core science subjects to offer in secondary school, so as to give you more information.

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